What About Your Weaknesses?

This is what Kathie Sorensen and Steve Crabtree in their article “Building A Career on Your Strengths” had to say: 

“Don’t focus on your limitations — but don’t ignore your weaknesses altogether, either.

Instead, identify their source.


Are they talent-based?

Or are they rooted in lack of education, experience or opportunity?

Talent-based weaknesses are situation-specific.

For example, your non-talents are irrelevant at work until you take on a role that requires you to use them. So look carefully at your target role.

How would your non-talents affect you in that role? How important is that aspect of the work? Who could help you to compensate for those non-talents?

Barriers related to experience and education are easier to overcome, because those things are attainable, where new talents are not.

You want to sell, but you’ve never held a sales role? Check out volunteer projects that give you the opportunity to learn sales techniques and make a contribution at the same time.

Have you ever developed a budget? Volunteer to help your manager with the budget process.

Looking for leadership opportunities? Ask your friends, neighbors, church group or HR department. Someone will know of an opportunity that could meet your needs.

The insights you gain from these opportunities are just as important as the experience they provide.

They could inspire you to take the next step — or help you question your motives and “fit” for the position to which you aspire.

Either outcome is valuable to your career journey.”

Never stop moving forward.

All the best,

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