Built into us is a dominant way we live our life…

And We Missed The Memo!

Know Yourself A Little Better
Take The Four Tendencies Quiz

Author Gretchen Rubin, well known for her upbeat, deep dive into “Happiness” in her book “The Happiness Project,” began to recognize an interesting pattern emerging in her research in the way each of us responds to life.

This triggered her next dive into our human tendencies and how some people seem to leverage them in very effective ways and other don’t.

Discovering, or should I say, recognizing this embedded trait in my own life was both an “Ouch!” and a “Wow, I can stop waisting time beating myself up,” kind of experience.

Removing Roadblocks

When I recognized how my tendency was directing my life, sometimes in ways that were not helping me, I suddenly realized I could now use that understanding to help me remove road blocks, instead of creating them.

And that was very cool.

It’s also why this insightful tool is one of many tools you get within The Power Of Intentional Living ILM paid membership program. There you begin by actually building your own personal “Owner’s Manual” to better guide your life decisions. 

The more you uncover and use the unique c tools you’ve already been given to create the experience of life you want, the more fulfilled and successful your life becomes.

Her book has a lot of great examples of how each of the four tendencies play out in real life.

So don’t miss out on the valuable wisdom Rubin skillfully details in her book.

But wouldn’t it also be cool to know which of the four tendencies are most core to you, so you could immediately start projects using it to make work and life easier?

Take The Four Tendencies Quiz and quickly find out!

(I laughed when it nailed it for me!)

Plus, her research based assessment tool is Free!

Have fun learning more about how you were built…

and start using it to help you create

The Experience Of Life You Love!

Never stop moving forward.



The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin
The Book


A Happy Life Happens Intentionally™

The Power Of Intentional Living

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