Purposeful:™ Learn To Live An Intentionally Happy Life


“How do I get a life that matters to me?”

Join Purposeful:™

I used to ask that question a lot. 

I worked hard, but the days just felt empty.

And bit by bit, it was wearing me down. 

Inside I kept shouting…


“Why is it so hard to figure out what to do with my life?

I want a life I’m excited about!

Don’t I get to do that?”


More and more it seemed like the answer was
“No Paul, you don’t…”

But it just didn’t make sense.

Everything has a Purpose,

and I wanted to know mine.

I had to be looking in the wrong places.

And I was.

The Clues Were Right Inside Me

We all take lots of little actions in our lives everyday. 

But most of them are made unconsciously, with no specific intention.

I realized up to that moment, I wasn’t consciously at the helm of my own life!

I was just Reacting To Life as it happened and hoping it would turn out well.

That way definitely was not working.


I Didn’t Know How To See My Own Value!

I realized I’d never sat down and taken stock in the talents and gifts I already had.

I didn’t know what I really cared about, or why it mattered.

I couldn’t even describe what I actually wanted my “great life” to look like!

Wow, no wonder my life felt like I was just drifting.

So I went on a mission to know Me.

I began by taking personal “assessments” used in psychology and business.

Joined personal development trainings and courses, read more than two hundred books on the subject, earned two Master’s degrees in the process and then


I Finally Woke Up.


I realized I’d come into this life with an amazing set of tools to help me live a really fun, happy, successful life.

And I was barely using any of them!

I was like a talented carpenter with a great box of tools,

who only used the screwdriver and hammer for every challenge they worked on!


My natural gifts and values were my keys to creating a great life all along!

I was literally built to do those things well.

But my work and the life I was living…

It was barely connected to the things I was created to be great at.


So I stopped living someone else’s life.


Join Purposeful:

I took that “Me data” I’d been collecting and started using it to guide me to where I’d have the greatest opportunities for success.

But there was one other piece missing: The BIG Picture

Being clear about the Experience Of Life I actually wanted.


My North Star.

And when I did…


It turned around everything in my life!


  • I connected myself with work that developed my gifts and mattered to me.
  • I finally knew why I cared, and it not only gave me strength to push through challenges, but brought greater value to my relationships.
  • New opportunities opened up for creating and doing a lot of fun, very cool things and getting paid to do them.

And that amazing life keeps being created by me everyday.


Because I make it so.


Because I actively create an Intentionally Happy Life everyday.


And I know you don’t believe it now (neither did I until I figured out how) You really can do exactly the same thing,


But get there much faster.


You can create a life you really love, Intentionally!


It’s what you’re “Supposed To Be Doing” with your life.

The more you build your life around the best of who you are,

The Better Life Gets and The More Connected You Feel!


“I teach you how to Focus Your Life around where you have the greatest natural ability to succeed and be happy.”


I took what I learned (that worked) and turned it into a step-by-step process called The NorthStart Method™.

So a path is cleared, but the entire journey becomes uniquely yours.

It’s what I use inside my five module, six month training, Live coaching and community support program called:



Join Purposeful:


Purposeful:™ is a step-by-step process that takes you from living a Reactionary life, to Intentionally Living A Happy Successful Life, with a deep appreciation of who you are.


Inside Purposeful: You

* Uncover Your Own Value

* Understand What Drives You

*Get Clear About The Experience Of Life You Want

And Start Using Your Gifts Where You Can Make The Greatest Difference!


Because “A Happy Life (only) Happens Intentionally!

I show you how to create Your Own Happy Life,
step-by-step and have a lot of fun doing it!

You get to break yourself free from the constant panic of just reacting to life everyday,

And not miss another day of feeling Happy About Who You Are and what you can contribute to life around you.


Because this is your life. Nobody else’s,

And you actually do get to say how it goes!

Join Purposeful:

Apply For “Purposeful:™” Here.

Start Choosing To Live A Life You Love!


I can’t wait to see what’s possible for you.



Paul A. Good MM, MEd
The Power Of Intentional Living™

Want to know more?
Email Me at: AskUs@ThePowerOfIntentionalLiving.com
Or Call Me: 781-343-1077


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